"Promoting Real Bridge in a Virtual World" - Developed by Anna Gudge and Mark Newton
 Under the auspices of the World Bridge Federation
World Wide Bridge Contest 2017: Set 2

Control Panel

Local Ranking

K.B.A-- RED from (Kenya)
Total number of pairs: 20 
Local Pos Pair # Pair names
(click on name to see Personal Scorecard)
% Club Match
16 11 Darshi Khehar & Fatima Thobani NS 42.75 184.70 328 44.25
17 13 Carla Mazzoleni & Kathleen Turner NS 36.53 157.80 376 40.78
18 5 Nita B Shah & Pushpa Jethwa NS 35.58 153.70 413 35.92
19 16 Renuka R Patel & Sudharshana H Shah NS 34.65 149.70 367 41.88
20 4 Rajnikant M Shah & Prakash J Shah NS 30.44 131.50 416 35.04

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