"Promoting Real Bridge in a Virtual World" - Developed by Anna Gudge and Mark Newton
 Under the auspices of the World Bridge Federation
World Wide Bridge Contest Set 4

Control Panel

Local Ranking

Park-Bridge-Club Graz from (Österreich)
Total number of pairs: 23 
Local Pos Pair # Pair names
(click on name to see Personal Scorecard)
% Club Match
16 20 Brigitte Treschmitzer & Ingeborg Walch NS 46.54 260.62 387 44.64
17 14 Helga Galle & Inge Stelzl EW 45.89 257.00 291 49.34
18 10 Inge Knopp & Herbert Kern EW 45.54 255.00 355 46.09
19 21 Sieglinde Schlemmer & Sarah Frisee NS 43.85 245.54 433 41.94
20 4 Gerda Rinnerhofer & Heide Popp EW 41.15 230.46 452 40.56
21 9 Ingrid Braunwarth & Heidi Schranzer EW 39.82 223.00 424 42.61
22 22 Sieglinde Holzer & Herwig Holzer NS 39.81 222.92 438 41.66
23 17 Gudrun Keplinger & Monika Lang NS 35.96 201.38 468 38.97

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