"Promoting Real Bridge in a Virtual World" - Developed by Anna Gudge and Mark Newton
 Under the auspices of the World Bridge Federation
Bobby Allan Easter Pairs Wednesday

Control Panel

Local Ranking

Inverness Caledonian Bridge Club from (Scotland)
Total number of pairs: 6 
Local Pos Pair # Pair names
(click on name to see Personal Scorecard)
% Club Match
1 1 John Copland & Dougie Munroe 64.00 64.00 31 55.37
2 2 Jenny Tidey & Martin Tidey 62.00 62.00 13 60.07
3 3 Tim Wickens & Donald Mackenzie 56.00 56.00 8 62.76
4 4 Margaret Telford & Ruth Mackenzie 51.00 51.00 112 43.74
5 5 Scott Rae & Roshni McArthur 35.00 35.00 124 40.66
6 6 David Olive & Fiona Scully 32.00 32.00 132 37.40

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