"Promoting Real Bridge in a Virtual World" - Developed by Anna Gudge and Mark Newton
 Under the auspices of the World Bridge Federation

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Local Ranking

Basingstoke from (England)
Total number of pairs: 20 
Local Pos Pair # Pair names
(click on name to see Personal Scorecard)
% Club Match
1 12 David Lewis & Graham Ledger 65.97 285.00 3 63.95
2 4 Georgie Bovill & Andrew Fry 64.12 277.00 8 61.15
3 19 Peter Lucas & Mary Lucas 63.66 275.00 18 56.99
4 16 Marian Rudd & Madeline Lawson 63.19 273.00 4 63.05
5 2 Andrew Gristwood & Andrzej Sawko 59.26 256.00 12 59.20
6 9 Judi Coady & Nicholas Browne 56.71 245.00 21 56.52
7 15 manny & Alistair Bodin 54.40 235.00 32 54.71
8 7 Jane Mrs Stevens & Andy Bartlett 52.78 228.00 58 50.34
9 6 Barbara Seymour & Jill Vaughan 51.16 221.00 55 50.50
10 13 John Fairhurst & Keith Bennett 49.54 214.00 71 47.65
11 3 John Glasscock & Sam Golding 49.31 213.00 49 51.34
12 5 Farid Motamed & lorraine motamed 48.15 208.00 56 50.46
13 10 Tracey Adams & Sandra Ruffell 47.92 207.00 64 49.16
=13 20 Charles Nixon & Macushla Stewart 47.92 207.00 48 51.58
15 8 Sula Turpin & Lindsay McDougall 41.44 179.00 105 40.68

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