"Promoting Real Bridge in a Virtual World" - Developed by Anna Gudge and Mark Newton
 Under the auspices of the World Bridge Federation
Celtic Pairs Wednesday

Control Panel

Local Ranking

Oban from (Scotland)
Total number of pairs: 8 
Local Pos Pair # Pair names
(click on name to see Personal Scorecard)
% Club Match
1 4 Sandy Murray & Margo McIntyre NS 70.63 89.00 3 66.19
2 2 David Pollard & Jack Suchodolski EW 59.52 75.00 15 61.63
3 1 Joy Usher & Catherine MacGregor EW 52.38 66.00 118 53.97
4 7 Nina Graham & Anne Kunz NS 46.03 58.00 311 45.21
5 8 Pam McGuire & Sue Pollard NS 44.44 56.00 214 50.10
=5 3 Alice Wilson & John Wilson EW 44.44 56.00 352 42.74
7 6 John Strettle & Tony Graham NS 42.06 53.00 401 35.98
8 5 Alison Dunn & Liz Forbes EW 40.48 51.00 328 44.18

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