"Promoting Real Bridge in a Virtual World" - Developed by Anna Gudge and Mark Newton
 Under the auspices of the World Bridge Federation
World Wide Bridge Contest 2017: Set 7

Control Panel

Local Ranking

Maritime Cards _ Games from (Canada)
Total number of pairs: 6 
Local Pos Pair # Pair names
(click on name to see Personal Scorecard)
% Club Match
1 2 Kathie Macnab-Halliday & Liz Legacy NS 69.00 69.00 104 61.75
2 4 Mary Lynn MacDonald & Verna Macleod NS 53.00 53.00 725 53.25
3 1 Bill Halliday & Jill McCormick NS 50.00 50.00 1232 48.46
4 3 Hazel Harlow & Jean Cooke NS 46.00 46.00 619 54.16
5 6 Edgar Wolman & Peter MacKay NS 45.00 45.00 1285 48.04
6 5 Lynne Evans & Clyde Evans NS 37.00 37.00 2087 34.33

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