"Promoting Real Bridge in a Virtual World" - Developed by Anna Gudge and Mark Newton
 Under the auspices of the World Bridge Federation
WBF Pairs supporting Youth Bridge

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Local Ranking

Bridgeclub Olten from (Switzerland)
Total number of pairs: 22 
Local Pos Pair # Pair names
(click on name to see Personal Scorecard)
% Club Match
1 16 Hildegard Boller - Peter B. Müller NS 62.32 349.00 19 58.20
2 14 Marie-Louise Pulsoni - Evi Zimmermann NS 55.89 313.00 27 57.10
=2 4 Gernot Riedel - Fabian Tschachtli NS 55.89 313.00 18 58.21
4 2 Bettina Nussbaum - Maya Weiersmüller NS 55.54 311.00 24 57.24
5 11 Bernadette Casati - Beatrice Kreuzer NS 55.36 310.00 44 55.37
6 7 Susi Lanz - Marianne Latscha NS 53.39 299.00 97 50.94
7 13 Christa Fanetti - Rolf Walker NS 52.14 292.00 61 54.11
8 22 Arlette Gut - Madeleine Hanggi NS 51.25 287.00 148 46.82
=8 8 Renate Bigler - Marlise Widmer NS 51.25 287.00 63 53.91
10 15 Rosmarie Graf - Toni Demann NS 50.18 281.00 174 44.36
11 5 Urs Bichsel - Joost Smorenburg NS 50.00 280.00 89 51.43
12 21 Zoltán Mészàros - Pierre de Roche NS 49.64 278.00 187 43.11
13 9 Nicole Rothenbühler - Peter Vögtlin NS 49.29 276.00 83 51.87
14 17 Ann Eisner - Ursula Kuratle NS 48.39 271.00 141 47.43
15 3 Henriette von Arx - Kathi Friedli NS 47.68 267.00 121 48.77

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