"Promoting Real Bridge in a Virtual World" - Developed by Anna Gudge and Mark Newton
 Under the auspices of the World Bridge Federation
WBF Pairs supporting Youth Bridge

Control Panel

Players who have scored -200  on board 3

Dilys Shortridge & Hugh Thompson
Pair (5)
v Elaine Wells & Jenny Banham
(at Hungerford Bridge Club , England )
Mme Sybil Bragadir - Mme Laurence Duc
Pair (6)
v Mme Adriana Aguilar - M. Stephan Magnusson
(at Cercle de la Cité , Switzerland )
Anne-Lise Dupasquier - Pierre Sandoz
Pair (10)
v Sylviane Dubois - Patrick Legroux
(at Cercle de Bridge du Littoral neuchatelois , Switzerland )
Akiko Oki & Fujiko Bamba
Pair (15)
v Yuki Fukuyoshi & Kaoru Sento
(at Takadanobaba Bridge Center , Japan )


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