"Promoting Real Bridge in a Virtual World" - Developed by Anna Gudge and Mark Newton
 Under the auspices of the World Bridge Federation
World Wide Bridge Contest Set 7

Control Panel

Players who have scored -230  on board 4

Next-> Last->
Dick Craig & Richard Lightfoot
Pair (11)
v Tish Stephens & Maureen Bowen
(at Javea School of Bridge and Social Club , Spain )
June Atkins & Fred Saxton
Pair (2)
v Janice Hazledine & Beryl Claxton
(at Thorpe Bay Bridge Club , England )
Anneliese Fröhlich - Ingrid Winterseel
Pair (11)
v Adelheid Pfeuffer-Plote - Eberhard Plote
(at Bridgeforum AHRENSBURG , Germany )
Katie Trafford & Richard Cruse
Pair (14)
v Janet Montieth & Pamela Oldfield
(at Bridge Mates DBC , Canada )
Deanna Guzda & Dawn Fisher
Pair (6)
v Brian Macartney & Clyde Paul
(at NOTL Duplicate Bridge Cen , Canada )


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