Local Ranking
Doon from (Scotland) Total number of pairs: 15 Two Winner movement played, click on the NS/EW column to see EW winners |
Local Pos | Pair # | Pair names (click on name to see Personal Scorecard) |
EW | % | Club Match points |
Overall Ranking |
Overall % |
1 | 26 | Gordon Smith & Daihong Dai | EW | 67.06 | 193.14 | 12 | 64.22 |
4 | 27 | Andy Bonnes & Paul Kerr | EW | 56.75 | 163.43 | 195 | 50.81 |
5 | 24 | Graeme McArthur & Helen Martin | EW | 56.35 | 162.29 | 116 | 54.19 |
6 | 23 | Agnes Lamont & May Herbert | EW | 55.56 | 160.00 | 131 | 53.60 |
10 | 22 | Kate Allan & Pratiba Sharma | EW | 44.44 | 128.00 | 332 | 43.32 |
11 | 21 | Anne McBride & John Tierney | EW | 41.67 | 120.00 | 365 | 39.05 |
=11 | 25 | Pat Wilson & Grace McVey | EW | 41.67 | 120.00 | 353 | 41.61 |
14 | 28 | Linda Thom & Denise Pickles | EW | 36.51 | 105.14 | 391 | 35.46 |