Local Ranking
Windsor LT from (Northern Ireland) Total number of pairs: 12 Two Winner movement played, click on the NS/EW column to see EW winners |
Local Pos | Pair # | Pair names (click on name to see Personal Scorecard) |
NS | % | Club Match points |
Overall Ranking |
Overall % |
1 | 1 | Jim McDonnell & Brian Moore | NS | 74.44 | 134.00 | 1 | 69.71 |
3 | 6 | Karen Powrie & Claire McIlwaine | NS | 57.78 | 104.00 | 16 | 59.41 |
4 | 5 | Liz Hunter & Val McCreedy | NS | 57.22 | 103.00 | 17 | 59.25 |
10 | 4 | Deirdre Breen & Maxine McMillan | NS | 38.33 | 69.00 | 148 | 43.30 |
11 | 2 | Eliz Borland & Pauline Ford | NS | 37.78 | 68.00 | 153 | 41.96 |
12 | 3 | Brid Coady Weekes & Catherine Fearon | NS | 34.44 | 62.00 | 146 | 43.76 |