"Promoting Real Bridge in a Virtual World" - Developed by Anna Gudge and Mark Newton
 Under the auspices of the World Bridge Federation
U3A Spring Charity Bridge Festival - Tuesda

Control Panel

Local Ranking

Leeds Bridge Club from (England)
Total number of pairs: 8 
Local Pos Pair # Pair names
(click on name to see Personal Scorecard)
% Club Match
1 7 Pamela Young & Belinda Ellis 61.90 52.00 3 63.27
2 2 Margaret Denny & Pauline Leonard 53.57 45.00 24 49.49
=2 5 Joe Bromberg & Richard Lindley 53.57 45.00 9 56.80
4 3 John Welling & Caroline Munn 51.19 43.00 29 45.92
=4 8 Liz Scott & Nicholas Au 51.19 43.00 16 53.57
6 1 Michael Saffer & Colin Rosenstone 47.62 40.00 19 52.04
7 6 Diane Dickson & Sue Friedman 45.24 38.00 43 36.22
8 4 Judith Lowe & Gillian Dresler 35.71 30.00 38 42.69

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