Local Ranking
Bridgeclub Olten from (Switzerland) Total number of pairs: 22 |
Local Pos | Pair # | Pair names (click on name to see Personal Scorecard) |
NS /EW |
% | Club Match points |
Overall Ranking |
Overall % |
16 | 20 | Gaby Basler - Inge Vollert | NS | 47.32 | 265.00 | 169 | 44.99 |
17 | 6 | Agnès Hausermann - Dr. Mark Burger | NS | 47.14 | 264.00 | 70 | 52.88 |
18 | 19 | Alice Gasser - Edith Gugger | NS | 45.00 | 252.00 | 176 | 44.18 |
19 | 1 | Annemarie Bichsel - Anton Stalder | NS | 44.82 | 251.00 | 119 | 48.84 |
20 | 10 | Ursula Jeker - Esther Lüscher | NS | 43.39 | 243.00 | 166 | 45.18 |
21 | 12 | Françoise Kanzig - Ruth Somogyi | NS | 42.32 | 237.00 | 171 | 44.91 |
22 | 18 | Susann Rodel - Daniel Rodel | NS | 41.79 | 234.00 | 200 | 40.17 |