"Promoting Real Bridge in a Virtual World" - Developed by Anna Gudge and Mark Newton
 Under the auspices of the World Bridge Federation
Simultané Suisse


Results of Session 4175
Simultané Suisse

Held on 26 October 2022
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Pair names
(click on name to see Personal Scorecard)
% MP
1 1 Walter Doniselli - Bruno Tirloni
( Associazione Bridge Lugano, Switzerland)
69.29 2211.77
2 2 Droz Alain - Geismann Roger
( 4 Trèfles, Switzerland)
68.92 2199.87
3 3 ARIEH Elisabeth - GREY Hedy
( Rive Gauche - Genève, Switzerland)
66.48 2121.97
4 4 Casati Bernadette - Furter Annerös
( Olten, Switzerland)
65.25 2082.85
5 5 Rais - Viatte
( Cercle de Bridge du Jura, Switzerland)
64.49 2058.60
6 6 Mirjam Rigotti - Rolando Rigotti
( Bridge Club Unterland, Switzerland)
63.51 2027.32
7 7 Mme Laurence Duc - Mme Arianna Testa
( Cercle de la Cité, Switzerland)
63.18 2016.58
8 8 Maria Künzler - Doron Moritz
( Bridge Club St. Gallen, Switzerland)
61.00 1947.17
9 9 Boivin - Monnerat
( Cercle de Bridge du Jura, Switzerland)
60.54 1932.50
10 10 Suzanne Speich Casparis - Fernand Kaufmann
( Zürcher Bridge Club, Switzerland)
59.30 1893.00
11 11 Cochand Yves-Daniel - Volleau Patrick
( Cbln, Switzerland)
59.07 1885.45
12 12 Mme Isabelle Duc - M. Dominique Spiesser
( Cercle de la Cité, Switzerland)
58.60 1870.63
13 13 Hank Farideh - Pasquier Fabienne
( 4 Trèfles, Switzerland)
58.60 1870.40
14 14 BARBE Elisabeth - KROPIVNISTSKAYA Anna
( Rive Gauche - Genève, Switzerland)
58.45 1865.88
15 15 Daniela Ramelli - Eliano Ramelli
( Bridge Club St. Gallen, Switzerland)
57.91 1848.47


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