Overall Ranking
Overall Position |
Pair names (click on name to see Personal Scorecard) |
% | MP |
1 |
Jim McDonnell & Brian Moore
( Windsor LT, Northern Ireland) |
72.29 | 13315.05 |
2 |
Mary Murray & Willy Clingan
( Dun Laoghaire Bridge Club, Ireland) |
70.96 | 13071.54 |
3 |
Robert Knight & Lynne Knight
( Letterkenny, Ireland) |
70.86 | 13052.59 |
4 |
Nicola O Dowd & Ena Souhan
( Declan Byrne Bridge, Ireland) |
70.28 | 12945.14 |
5 |
Maurice Coleman & Adrian Meagher
( Dun Laoghaire Bridge Club, Ireland) |
69.01 | 12710.86 |
6 |
Tony Ratcliff & Julian Pottage
( Vale of Glamorgan B.C., Wales) |
68.96 | 12701.88 |
7 |
Frances Daly & Pat Plunkett
( Cavan Bridge Club , Ireland) |
68.23 | 12568.38 |
8 |
Su Li & Walter McNicholas
( Railway Union Bridge Club, Ireland) |
67.95 | 12516.82 |
9 |
David Hoyne & Karl De Raeymarker
( Knocklyon Top, Ireland) |
67.89 | 12505.67 |
10 |
Grizel Turkington & Hazel Barr
( Dromore, Northern Ireland) |
67.84 | 12496.13 |
11 |
Berna Treacy & Margaret Bollard
( Ballinhassig, Ireland) |
67.83 | 12493.64 |
12 |
Michael McHugh & John McInerney
( Trim Bridge Club, Ireland) |
67.71 | 12473.00 |
13 |
Tom Anderson & Carolyn Anderson
( Kilmacolm Bridge Club, Scotland) |
67.50 | 12433.13 |
14 |
June Smith & Mary Eivers
( Trim Bridge Club, Ireland) |
66.96 | 12334.83 |
15 |
Blazesk & GOG2209
( Broadmeadow Bridge Club, IRELAND) |
66.80 | 12304.57 |